



  • 相馬駒焼は、相馬藩の御用窯で福島県相馬市中村の田代窯で焼かれる陶器になります。
  • 主に茶陶を制作し、幕府や大名などへの贈答や藩主用として使われていた。
  • 元和9年(1623年)に相馬藩主が京都の御室焼に感服。田代源吾右衛門が野々村仁清のもとで修行、7年後に名を清治右衛門に改名して帰郷。寛永9年(1629年)に田代窯を開窯。二代目以降の作品は、砂混じりの土と浅黄色の釉薬が特徴。正面には右駒の図柄が描かれ、「駒焼き」と呼ばれるようになった。
  • 駒絵は太い筆致で描かれ、藩政時代は田代窯以外での製作が禁じられていた。
  • 慶応3年(1867年)の11代が「大弐法橋」の位階を受け、以降「田代法橋」という印を用いるようになった。現存する砂床の登り窯は、元禄時代以前のものとされ、福島県重要有形民俗文化財に指定されている。


江戸期 田代法橋¥20,000円~
 十四世 田代法橋作 玉露茶器¥10,000円
十五世 田代清治右衛門(法橋)茶碗¥5000円~10,000円
 明治末~昭和初期の田代法橋 茶碗¥5000円~10,000円





I purchased Soma-yaki in Gifu City.

From a customer in Gifu City, we purchased a Tashiro Hokyo teacup for 5,000 yen. This piece is a part of Soma-yaki and was fired in the traditional Tashiro kiln located in Nakamura, Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture. Soma-yaki was once known as the official kiln of the Soma Clan, and its unique techniques and designs continue to captivate many enthusiasts even today.

We sincerely thank you for entrusting us with these valuable Soma-yaki pieces. At Santouka, we cherish these items and aim to pass on their value and history to future generations.

For purchasing Soma-yaki, antiques, and art pieces, please trust Santouka.

Santouka specializes in the acquisition of Soma-yaki, as well as various antiques, art pieces, hanging scrolls, and paintings. At Santouka, we accurately assess the value of your items and offer a fair price.

Moreover, for those who find it challenging to visit our store due to their busy daily lives, we provide a convenient on-site purchasing service. (Please note that there might be some cases where we cannot accommodate this service.) By using this service, you can receive an assessment directly at your home or storage location by our experts. Furthermore, there are absolutely no charges for this on-site purchasing service or in-store evaluations.

Santouka is committed to handling your cherished items with genuine care and ensuring a fair evaluation. We highly value items with historical significance and aim to meet our customers' expectations by suggesting an appropriate purchase price. Please entrust us with confidence.


三冬花 谷崎未来
三冬花 谷崎未来